Working on Rest API and OAuth is very interesting

OAuth Information

Client ID	73691
Client Secret	JGSUmvoQRnlFCJzYdTY8UWdVnRkCBmlHl7Bz338WaRHCLDMDxUVthCDW675ln7TS
Redirect URLs
Javascript Origins	
Type	Web
Request token URL
Authorize URL
Authenticate URL

Working on Rest API and OAuth is very interesting.

WordPress merged Rest API support into the core in WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” check out the Rest API Merge Proposal.

In this post, I’m creating the post on my site though rest API and OAuth.

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#Let’s Try it Step by Step Let’s Try it Step by Step

#Step 1: Step 1:

Create new app app from


Do you already have an app then select existing app from

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#Step 2: Step 2:

Copy below code and add your app authentication details. After adding details you get and auth key.

// Step: 1  Add authentication details to get auth key.
$auth_args = array(
	'username'      => '',
	'password'      => '',
	'client_id'     => '',
	'client_secret' => '',
	'grant_type'    => 'password', // Keep this as it is.
$access_key = get_access_key( $auth_args );Full Screen

Note: Keep grant_type as password. Its required!

  • username – Your website username.

  • password – Your website password.

  • client_id – Your App client ID.

  • client_id – Your App client ID.

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#Step 3: Step 3:

Use below function which return the auth key from your given app details.

 * Get Access Key.
 * @param  array $args 	Auth arguments.
 * @return mixed       	Auth response.
function get_access_key( $args ) {

	// Access Token.
	$curl = curl_init( '' );
	curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POST, true );
	curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $args );
	curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
	$auth = curl_exec( $curl );
	$auth = json_decode($auth);

	// Access Key.
	return $auth->access_token;
}Full Screen

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#Step 4: Step 4:

Add your new post details. Such as post title, post content etc. like below:

// Step: 2  Set post arguments and pass it create the post.
$post_args = array(
	'title'       => 'Hello APA World',
	'content'     => 'Hello. I am a test post. I was created by the API',
	'tags'        => 'tests',
	'post_status' => 'draft',
	'categories'  => 'API',
);Full Screen

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#Step 5: Step 5:

Now, Simply call a function and pass the Auth key and post arguments.

// Create a post with the access key.
create_post( $access_key, $post_args );Full Screen

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#Step 6: Step 6:

 * Create post with access key.
 * @param  string $access_key 	Access key.
 * @param  array $post_args 	Post arguments.
 * @return mixed       			Post response.
function create_post( $access_key, $post_args )
	$options  = array (
		'http' => array(
			'ignore_errors' => true,
			'method'        => 'POST',
			'header'        => array(
		    	0 => 'authorization: Bearer ' . $access_key,
		    	1 => 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
		  	'content' => http_build_query( $post_args ),
	$context  = stream_context_create( $options );
	$response = file_get_contents(
	return json_decode( $response );
}Full Screen


Replace YOURSITEID with your site ID.

To get it follow below quick simple steps:

  • Add string /me/sites and select method GET

  • Press Enter.

It’ll show all your sites from Check the below screenshot for reference.

Last updated