😆Sử dụng namespace cho theme, plugin SDK ThemeIsle dùng để đăng ký các tính năng chung (ok)


SDK ThemeIsle dùng để đăng ký các tính năng chung cho các sản phẩm trong danh mục.


 * Main class of the Neve Dashboard
 * @package neve
namespace Hi\Controllers;
 * Class Main
 * @package Neve\Admin\Dashboard
class Main
  private $theme_args = [];
  public function __construct()
    add_action('init', [$this, 'setup_config']);
    add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register']);
    add_action('init', array($this, 'register_about_page'), 1);
  public function register()
    $theme = $this->theme_args;
    if (empty($theme['name']) || empty($theme['slug'])) {
    $theme_page = !empty($theme['template']) ? $theme['template'] . '-welcome' : $theme['slug'] . '-welcome';
    $icon = '';
    if ($theme['name'] !== 'Neve') {
      $icon = 'dashicons-admin-appearance';
    $neve_icon  = apply_filters('neve_menu_icon', $icon);
    $priority   = apply_filters('neve_menu_priority', 59);  // The position of the menu item, 60 is the position of the Appearance menu.
    $capability = 'manage_options';
    // Place a theme page in the Appearance menu, for older versions of Neve Pro or TPC. to maintain backwards compatibility.
    if (
      (defined('NEVE_PRO_VERSION') && version_compare(NEVE_PRO_VERSION, '2.6.1', '<=')) ||
      (defined('TIOB_VERSION') && version_compare(TIOB_VERSION, '1.1.38', '<='))
    ) {
        /* translators: %s - Theme name */
        sprintf(__('%s Options', 'neve'), wp_kses_post($theme['name'])),
        /* translators: %s - Theme name */
        sprintf(__('%s Options', 'neve'), wp_kses_post($theme['name'])),
    add_menu_page( // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.PluginTerritory.NoAddAdminPages.add_menu_pages_add_menu_page
      [$this, 'render'],
      $neve_icon, // The URL to the icon to be used for this menu
    // Add Dashboard submenu. Same slug as parent to allow renaming the automatic submenu that is added.
    add_submenu_page( // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.PluginTerritory.NoAddAdminPages.add_menu_pages_add_submenu_page
      /* translators: %s - Theme name */
      sprintf(__('%s Options', 'neve'), wp_kses_post($theme['name'])),
      /* translators: %s - Theme name */
      sprintf(__('%s Options', 'neve'), wp_kses_post($theme['name'])),
      [$this, 'render']
   * Setup the class props based on current theme.
  public function setup_config()
    $theme = wp_get_theme();
    $this->theme_args['name']        = apply_filters('ti_wl_theme_name', $theme->__get('Name'));
    $this->theme_args['template']    = $theme->get('Template');
    $this->theme_args['version']     = $theme->__get('Version');
    $this->theme_args['description'] = apply_filters('ti_wl_theme_description', $theme->__get('Description'));
    $this->theme_args['slug']        = $theme->__get('stylesheet');
   * Add the about page with respect to the white label settings.
   * @return void
  public function register_about_page()
    $theme         = wp_get_theme();
    $filtered_name = apply_filters('ti_wl_theme_name', $theme->__get('Name'));
    $slug          = $theme->__get('stylesheet');
    if (empty($slug) || empty($filtered_name)) {
    // We check if the name is different from the filtered name,
    // if it is, the whitelabel is in use and we should not add the about page.
    // this check allows for child themes to use the about page.
    if ($filtered_name !== $theme->__get('Name')) {
      function () use ($filtered_name) {
        return [
          // Top-level page in the dashboard sidebar
          'location'         => 'neve-welcome',
          // Logo to display on the page
          'logo'             => get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/images/dashboard/logo.svg',
          // Condition to show or hide the upgrade menu in the sidebar
          'has_upgrade_menu' => !defined('NEVE_PRO_VERSION'),
          // Add predefined product pages to the about page.
          'product_pages'    => ['otter-page'],
          // Upgrade menu item link & text
          'upgrade_link'     => tsdk_utmify(esc_url('https://themeisle.com/themes/neve/upgrade/'), 'aboutfilter', 'nevedashboard'),
          'upgrade_text'     => __('Upgrade', 'neve') . ' ' . $filtered_name,
   * Render the application stub.
   * @return void
  public function render()
    echo '<div id="neve-dashboard"></div>';


  "name": "test/test-auto",
  "authors": [
      "name": "Leon Weidauer",
      "email": "leon@lnwdr.de"
  "require": {},
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Hi\\": "inc/"
    "files": [


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
 * Themeisle SDK filter.
 * @param array $products products array.
 * @return array
function neve_filter_sdk($products)
	$products[] = get_template_directory() . '/style.css';
	return $products;
add_filter('themeisle_sdk_products', 'neve_filter_sdk');
use Hi\Controllers\Main;
new Main();

Last updated