Simple Factory Pattern Demo (ok)

Hoặc viết dưới dạng plugin

This project was written as a demo application for an Envato Tuts+ Series on using Design Patterns in WordPress.

This project is not an official WordPress plugin, theme, or application and is not meant to be run within the context of the WordPress application.

It's meant to provide a working example of the Simple Factory design pattern.

File Contents

  • demo.php is the driver that is meant to be the entry-point of the application. It sets everything into motion.

  • images contains a sketch of the Simple Factory Pattern diagram for this demo

  • lib contains the core files for the application

  • lib/plugin.php represents the core plugin file or, more specifically, how you would incorporate the Simple Factory into a WordPress plugin.

  • lib/simple-factory.php is the Simple Factory class itself that relies on a base class, its subclasses, and input to return the proper element

  • lib/users/user.php the abstract base class representing all users

  • lib/users/admin.php the subclass representing an Adminstrator with read-write privileges

  • lib/users/reader.php the subclass representing a Reader with read privileges

  • lib/users/volunteer.php the subclass representing a Volunteer with help privileges*


  1. Download a copy of the latest tag from GitHub

  2. Extract the contents to a directory of your choice

  3. Run the demo.php script from the command-line to see the script in action

Last updated