22. Hiển thị chuyên mục ra ngoài trang shop (ok)


class WPF_Form_CT {
  protected $plugin_name;
  protected $version;
  protected $themplate_id = false;
  public function __construct($plugin_name, $version, $themplate_id = false) {
    $this->plugin_name  = $plugin_name;
    $this->version      = $version;
    $this->themplate_id = $themplate_id;
  public function form() {
    $sort_cmb  = array_merge(WPF_Utils_CT::get_wc_attributes(), WPF_Utils_CT::get_default_fields());
    $languages = array(
      'en' => array(
        'name'     => '',
        'selected' => true,
    $layout = $data = array();
    if (!empty($this->themplate_id)) {
      $option = WPF_Options_CT::get_option($this->plugin_name, $this->version);
      $forms = $option->get();
      if (!empty($forms[$this->themplate_id])) {
        $layout = $forms[$this->themplate_id];
        $data = $layout['data'];
        $layout = $layout['layout'];
      <input type="hidden" value="" name="layout" id="wpf_ct_layout" />
      <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>" id="wpf_ct_themplate_id" name="themplate_id" />
      <div class="wpf_ct_back_builder">
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_module_panel">
          <?php foreach ($sort_cmb as $type => $name): ?>
            <div <?php if (!empty($layout[$type])): ?>style="display:none;"<?php endif; ?> data-type="<?php echo $type ?>" id="wpf_ct_cmb_<?php echo $type ?>" class="wpf_ct_back_module"> 
              <?php $this->module($type, $name, array(), $languages); ?>
          <?php endforeach; ?>
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_row_content" id="wpf_ct_module_content">  
          <div class="wpf_ct_module_holder">
            <div class="wpf_empty_holder_text"><?php _e('Drop module here', 'wpf') ?></div>
            <?php if (!empty($layout)): ?>
              <?php foreach ($layout as $type => $module): ?>
                  if (empty($sort_cmb[$type])) continue;
                  $name = $sort_cmb[$type];
                <div data-type="<?php echo $type ?>" class="wpf_ct_back_module wpf_dragged">
                  <?php $this->module($type, $name, $module, $languages); ?>
              <?php endforeach; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
  private function module($type, $name, array $module = array(), array $languages = array()) {
      <strong class="wpf_ct_module_name"><?php echo $name ?></strong>
      <div class="wpf_ct_back_module_top">
        <div class="wpf_left">
          <span class="wpf_back_active_module_title"><?php echo $name ?></span>
        <div class="wpf_right">
          <a href="#" class="wpf_ct_module_btn wpf_ct_toggle_module"></a>
          <a href="#" class="wpf_ct_module_btn wpf_ct_delete_module"></a>
      <div class="wpf_ct_active_module">
        <div data-type="<?php echo $type ?>" class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_content">    
          <?php WPF_Utils_CT::module_multi_text($type, $module, $languages, 'field_title', __('Field Title', 'wpf_ct')); ?>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row wpf_ct_back_active_module_hide_field">
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">&nbsp;</div>
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
                <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[hide_field]" type="checkbox" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][hide_field]" value="1" <?php if (!empty($module['hide_field'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                <?php _e('Hide field title', 'wpf') ?>
          <?php if (has_action('wpf_template_' . $type)): ?>
              do_action('wpf_template_' . $type, $this->themplate_id, $module)
          <?php else: ?>
            <?php $this->get_main_fields($type, $name, $module) ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
  private function add_fields($data = array()) {
    $layouts = array(
      'vertical' => __('Vertical Layout', 'wpf'),
      'horizontal' => __('Horizontal Layout', 'wpf')
    $pagination = array(
        'pagination' => __('Standard Pagination', 'wpf'),
        'infinity_auto' => __('Infinite Scroll', 'wpf'),
        'infinity' => __('Load More', 'wpf')
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_name"><?php _e('Form Title', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input id="wpf_ct_name" class="wpf_towidth" type="text" value="<?php echo !empty($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : '' ?>" name="name" />
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row ">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><?php _e('Layout', 'wpf'); ?></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input wpf_ct_grid wpf_ct_changed">
          <?php foreach ($layouts as $id => $ch): ?>
            <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $id ?>" type="radio" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="type" <?php if ((!$data && $id === 'vertical' ) || ( isset($data['type']) && $data['type'] == $id )): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>/>
            <label title="<?php echo $ch ?>" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $id ?>" class="wpf_ct_grid_<?php echo $id; ?>"></label>
          <?php endforeach; ?>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_empty_fields"><?php _e('Empty Fields', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if ((!isset($data['empty']) && empty($data)) || !empty($data['empty'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="checkbox" name="empty" value="1" id="wpf_ct_empty_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_empty_fields"><?php _e('Do not show field if empty', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_sort_fields"><?php _e('Product Sorting', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if (!empty($data['sort'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="checkbox" name="sort" value="1" id="wpf_ct_sort_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_sort_fields"><?php _e('Hide product sorting', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_result_fields"><?php _e('Product Count', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if (!empty($data['result'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  type="checkbox" name="result" value="1" id="wpf_ct_result_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_result_fields"><?php _e('Hide result product count', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_out_of_stock_fields"><?php _e('Out of Stock', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if (!empty($data['out_of_stock'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="checkbox" name="out_of_stock" value="1" id="wpf_ct_out_of_stock_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_out_of_stock_fields"><?php _e('Do not show out of stock products', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row wpf_ct_changed">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_pagination_fields"><?php _e('Pagination', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if (!empty($data['pagination'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="checkbox" name="pagination" value="1" id="wpf_ct_pagination_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_pagination_fields"><?php _e('Hide Pagination', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row wpf_infinity wpf_ct_changed">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_pagination_type_fields"><?php _e('Pagination Option', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <?php foreach ($pagination as $k => $v): ?>
            <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $k ?>_type_fields">
              <input <?php if ((isset($data['pagination_type']) && $data['pagination_type'] === $k) || (empty($data['pagination_type']) && $k === 'pagination')): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" name="pagination_type" value="<?php echo $k ?>" id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $k ?>_type_fields"/><?php echo $v ?>
          <?php endforeach; ?>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row wpf_infinity_buffer">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_pagination_type_fields">&nbsp;</label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input type="text" name="infinitybuffer" value="<?php echo! empty( $data['infinitybuffer'] ) ? esc_attr( $data['infinitybuffer'] ) : '' ?>" id="wpf_ct_infinity_buffer_fields" /> <?php _e( 'Infinite scroll trigger point (px)' ) ?><br><small><?php _e( 'Default is 300, higher number means infinite scroll will trigger earlier.' ) ?></small>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_posts_per_page_fields"><?php _e('Products Per Page', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
            <input type="text" name="posts_per_page" value="<?php echo!empty($data['posts_per_page']) ? intval($data['posts_per_page']) : '' ?>" id="wpf_ct_posts_per_page_fields"/>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_group_fields"><?php _e('Toggle Field Groups', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if (!empty($data['group'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="checkbox" name="group" value="1" id="wpf_ct_group_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_group_fields"><?php _e('Allow field groups toggle-able', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row wpf_result_page_wrapper">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label><?php _e('Reset Button', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
              <input id="wpf_ct_bottom_reset_button" type="radio" value="bottom" name="reset_button" <?php if ( !empty( $data['reset_button'] ) && 'bottom' === $data['reset_button'] ): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>>
              <label for="wpf_ct_bottom_reset_button"><?php _e( 'Add reset button at bottom', 'wpf' ); ?></label>
              <input id="wpf_ct_group_reset_button" type="radio" value="group" name="reset_button" <?php if ( !empty( $data['reset_button'] ) && 'group' === $data['reset_button'] ): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>>
              <label for="wpf_ct_group_reset_button"><?php _e( 'Add reset button at every field group', 'wpf' ); ?></label>
              <input id="wpf_ct_no_reset_button" type="radio" value="no" name="reset_button" <?php if ( empty( $data['reset_button'] ) || (!empty( $data['reset_button'] ) && 'no' === $data['reset_button']) ): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>>
              <label for="wpf_ct_no_reset_button"><?php _e( 'No reset button', 'wpf' ); ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row ">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_clear_label"><?php _e('Reset Label', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
          $get_all_languages = [
            'en' => [
              'name'     => '',
              'selected' => true,
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input"><?php WPF_Utils_CT::module_language_tabs( 'clear_label', $data, $get_all_languages, null, 'text', __('Reset', 'wpf'), true ); ?>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_scroll_fields"><?php _e('Scroll To Result', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <input <?php if (!empty($data['scroll'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="checkbox" name="scroll" value="1" id="wpf_ct_scroll_fields"/>
          <label for="wpf_ct_scroll_fields"><?php _e('Yes', 'wpf') ?></label>
        $relations = array(
          'and' => __('AND', 'wpf'),
          'or' => __('OR', 'wpf')
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_tax_relation_or"><?php _e('Logical Relationship Between Taxonomies', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <?php foreach ($relations as $k => $v): ?>
            <label for="wpf_ct_tax_relation_<?php echo $k ?>">
              <input <?php if (isset($data['tax_relation']) && $data['tax_relation'] === $k || (!isset($data['tax_relation']) && $k === 'or')): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" name="tax_relation" value="<?php echo $k ?>" id="wpf_ct_tax_relation_<?php echo $k ?>"/>
              <?php echo $v ?>
          <?php endforeach; ?>
        $pages = get_posts(array(
          'post_type' => 'page',
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'numberposts' => -1,
          'orderby' => 'post_title',
          'order' => 'ASC'
        $result_types = array(
          'same_page' => __('Show results on the same page', 'wpf'),
          'diff_page' => __('Show results on a different page', 'wpf')
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row wpf_result_page_wrapper wpf_changed">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_result_page"><?php _e('Result Page Template', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
            <?php foreach ($result_types as $id => $ch): ?>
              <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $id ?>" type="radio" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" name="result_type" <?php if ((!$data && $id === 'same_page' ) || ( isset($data['result_type']) && $data['result_type'] == $id )): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>/>
              <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $id ?>"><?php echo $ch ?></label>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
            <li class ="wpf_result_page_select">
              <input id="wpf_ct_show_form_in_results" type="checkbox" value="show_form_in_results" name="show_form_in_results" <?php if (isset($data['show_form_in_results'])): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>/>
              <label for="wpf_ct_show_form_in_results"><?php _e('Show product filter form on search result page.', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_result_page_select">
            <div class="wpf_custom_select">
              <select name="page" id="wpf_ct_result_page">
                <?php if (!empty($pages)): ?>
                  <?php foreach ($pages as $p): ?>
                    <option <?php if (!empty($data['page']) && $data['page'] == $p->ID): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?> value="<?php echo $p->ID ?>"><?php echo $p->post_title ?></option>
                  <?php endforeach; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
            <label for="wpf_ct_result_page"><?php _e('The result page must have archive products displaying (it will swap the existing products with the result products).', 'wpf') ?></label>
      <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_row ">
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_label"><label for="wpf_ct_no_found_message"><?php _e('No Products Found Message', 'wpf'); ?></label></div>
        <div class="wpf_ct_lightbox_input">
          <?php WPF_Utils_CT::module_language_tabs( 'no_found_message', $data, $get_all_languages, null, 'text', __('No products were found matching your selection.', 'wpf'), true ); ?>
  public function public_themplate(array $template, $page_id, array $request = array()) {
    if (empty($template['layout'])) {
        return '';
    $lang = 'en';
    $layout = $template['layout'];
    $sort_cmb = array_merge(WPF_Utils_CT::get_wc_attributes(), WPF_Utils_CT::get_default_fields());
    $is_horizontal = $template['data']['type'] === 'horizontal';
    $is_group = !empty($template['data']['group']) || $is_horizontal;
    $page = get_permalink($template['data']['page']);
    $is_result_page = (!empty($template['data']['result_type']) && $template['data']['result_type'] === 'same_page') || get_the_ID() == $template['data']['page'];
    $scroll = !empty($template['data']['scroll']);
    $reset_btn = !empty($template['data']['reset_button']) ? $template['data']['reset_button'] : 'no';
    $no_found_message = ! empty( $template['data']['no_found_message'] ) ? WPF_Utils_CT::get_label( $template['data']['no_found_message'] ) : '';
    if ( empty( $no_found_message ) ) {
      $no_found_message = __( 'No products were found matching your selection.', 'wpf' );
    $reset = ! empty( $template['data']['clear_label'] ) ? WPF_Utils_CT::get_label( $template['data']['clear_label'] ) : '';
    if ( empty( $reset ) ) {
      $reset = __( 'Clear', 'wpf' );
    $infinitybuffer = ! empty( $template['data']['infinitybuffer'] ) ? $template['data']['infinitybuffer'] : 300;
    if('group' === $reset_btn){
        $non_groups = array('submit','instock','onsale');
    $clasess = array('wpf_ct_form', 'wpf_ct_form_' . $this->themplate_id);
    if ($scroll) {
        $clasess[] = 'wpf_ct_form_scroll';
    if (!isset($layout['submit'])) {
        $clasess[] = 'wpf_ct_submit_on_change';
    if ( is_product_category() || is_product_tag() ) {
    $shop_page = WPF_Utils_CT::get_shop_page_url();
    if ( ! (
      is_post_type_archive( 'product' ) || is_page() || is_tax( array( 'product_cat', 'product_tag' ) ) ) ) {
      /* assume there's no loop to display the results in, post the data to the Shop page instead */
      $action = $shop_page;
      $is_result_page = false;
    } else if ( ! $is_result_page ) {
      /* Result Page option is set to a different page */
      $action = $page;
    } else {
      $action = get_pagenum_link( 1, false );
    if ( $is_result_page ) {
      $clasess[] = 'wpf_ct_form_ajax';
    $wpf_parameters = array();
    if ( ! empty( $_GET ) ) {
      foreach ( $_GET as $key => $value ) {
        if ( substr( $key, 0, 3 ) === 'wpf' ) {
          $wpf_parameters[] = $key;
    $action = remove_query_arg( $wpf_ct_parameters, $action );
          data-post-id="<?php echo $post_id; ?>"
          data-slug="<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>"
          action="<?php echo esc_attr( $action ); ?>"
          data-shop="<?php echo esc_attr( $shop_page ); ?>"
          class="<?php echo implode(' ', $clasess) ?>"
          style="visibility: hidden;"
          data-infinitybuffer="<?php echo esc_attr( $infinitybuffer ); ?>"
          <input type="hidden" name="wpf_ct" value="<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>" />
          <input type="hidden" name="orderby" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="wpf_ct_cols" value="" />
          <input type="hidden" name="wpf_ct_page" value="1" />
          <?php if ( ! empty( $_GET['s'] ) ) : ?>
            <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo sanitize_text_field( $_GET['s'] ); ?>" name="s" />
          <?php endif; ?>
          <div class="wpf_ct_items_wrapper wpf_ct_layout_<?php echo $template['data']['type'] ?><?php if ($is_group): ?> wpf_ct_items_grouped<?php endif; ?>">
              <?php foreach ($layout as $type => $module): ?>
                  <?php if (!empty($sort_cmb[$type])): ?>
                    <?php ob_start(); ?>
                    <?php if (has_action('wpf_ct_public_template_' . $type)): ?>
                    <?php do_action('wpf_ct_public_template_' . $type, $module, $this->themplate_id, $template['data'], $sort_cmb[$type], $this->themplate_id, $request, $lang) ?>
                  <?php else: ?>
                    <?php $this->get_public_fields($type, $module, $template['data'], $request, $lang) ?>
                  <?php endif; ?>
                    $view = trim(ob_get_contents());
                      <?php if ($view || empty($template['data']['empty'])): ?>
                          <div class="wpf_ct_item wpf_ct_item_<?php echo $type ?>">
                              <?php if ($type !== 'submit' && ($is_horizontal || empty($module['hide_field']))): ?>
                                  <label class="wpf_item_name" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_item_<?php echo $type ?>"><?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::get_field_name($module, $sort_cmb[$type]) ?></label>
                              <?php endif; ?>
                              <?php if ($is_group && $type !== 'submit'): ?><div class="wpf_ct_items_group"><?php endif; ?>
                              <?php echo $view ?>
                <?php if('group' === $reset_btn && !in_array($type,$non_groups) ): ?>
                                      <div class="wpf_ct_reset_btn"><input type="reset" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $reset ); ?>"/></div>
                <?php endif; ?>
                              <?php if ($is_group && $type !== 'submit'): ?></div><?php endif; ?>
                      <?php endif; ?>
                  <?php endif; ?>
              <?php endforeach; ?>
          <?php if('bottom' === $reset_btn): ?>
            <div class="wpf_ct_reset_btn"><input type="reset" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $reset ) ?>"/></div>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <div class="wpf-no-products-found" style="display: none;">
            <p class="woocommerce-info"><?php echo esc_html( $no_found_message ); ?></p>
      $content = ob_get_contents();
      return $content;
    protected function get_main_fields($type, $name, $module = array()) {
      switch ($type):
        case 'sku':
           $order = array(
            'term_order' => __('Custom Ordering', 'wpf'),
            'name' => __('Name', 'wpf'),
            'count' => __('Count', 'wpf'),
            'id' => __('ID', 'wpf'),
          $orderby = array(
            'asc' => __('Ascending', 'wpf'),
            'desc' => __('Descending', 'wpf')
          $display = array(
            'checkbox' => __('Checkbox', 'wpf'),
            'link' => __('Links', 'wpf'),
            'radio' => __('Radio', 'wpf'),
            'dropdown' => __('Dropdown', 'wpf'),
            'multiselect' => __('Multi Select', 'wpf'),
          $logic = array(
            'or' => __('OR', 'wpf'),
            'and' => __('AND', 'wpf')
          $include_children = array(
            'yes' => __('Yes', 'wpf'),
            'no' => __('No', 'wpf')
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
            <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[count]"><?php _e('Product Count', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
              <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[count]" type="checkbox" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][count]" value="1" <?php if (!empty($module['count']) || !$module): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
              <?php _e('Show product counts', 'wpf') ?>
        <?php if ($type === 'wpf_ct_cat' || $type === 'wpf_ct_tag'): ?>
          <?php if ($type === 'wpf_ct_cat'): ?>
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
              <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
                <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[hierachy]"><?php _e('Category Hierarchy', 'wpf') ?></label>
              <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
                  <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[hierachy]" type="checkbox" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][hierachy]" value="1" <?php if (!empty($module['hierachy'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                  <?php _e('Show category hierarchy', 'wpf') ?>
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
                <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
                    <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[include]"><?php _e('Include Children ', 'wpf') ?></label>
                <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
                    <?php foreach ($include_children as $k => $v): ?>
                            <input type="radio" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][include]" value="<?php echo $k ?>" <?php if ((isset($module['include']) && $module['include'] === $k) || (!isset($module['include']) && $k === 'yes')): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                            <?php echo $v ?>
                    <?php endforeach; ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
            <label><?php _e('Display as', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input wpf_ct_display_as wpf_ct_changed">
            <?php foreach ($display as $k => $v): ?>
                <input type="radio" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][show_as]" value="<?php echo $k ?>" <?php if ((isset($module['show_as']) && $module['show_as'] === $k) || (!isset($module['show_as']) && $k === 'checkbox')): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                <?php echo $v ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
            <label><?php _e('Logic', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input wpf_ct_logic">
            <?php foreach ($logic as $k => $v): ?>
                <input type="radio" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][logic]" value="<?php echo $k ?>" <?php if ((isset($module['logic']) && $module['logic'] === $k) || (!isset($module['logic']) && $k === 'or')): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                <?php echo $v ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
            <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[order]"><?php _e('Order', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
            <div class="wpf_ct_custom_select wpf_ct_order wpf_ct_changed">
              <select name="[<?php echo $type ?>][order]">
                <?php foreach ($order as $k => $v): if('term_order'===$k && !in_array($type,array('wpf_ct_cat','wpf_ct_tag'))) continue; ?>
                  <option <?php if (!empty($module['order']) && $module['order'] === $k): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?> value="<?php echo $k ?>"><?php echo $v ?></option>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
            <div class="wpf_ct_custom_select wpf_ct_orderby">
              <select name="[<?php echo $type ?>][orderby]">
                <?php foreach ($orderby as $k => $v): ?>
                  <option <?php if (!empty($module['orderby']) && $module['orderby'] === $k): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?> value="<?php echo $k ?>"><?php echo $v ?></option>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
          $display = array(
            'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'wpf'),
            'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'wpf'),
            'columns' => __('Columns', 'wpf'),
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
            <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[display]"><?php _e('Layout', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
            <?php foreach ($display as $k => $v): ?>
                <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[display_<?php echo $k ?>]" type="radio" value="<?php echo $k ?>" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][display]" <?php if ((!isset($module['display']) && $k === 'horizontal') || (isset($module['display']) && $module['display'] === $k)): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                <?php echo $v ?>
                <?php if ($k === 'columns'): ?>
                  <div class="wpf_ct_custom_select">
                    <select name="[<?php echo $type ?>][column]">
                      <?php for ($i = 2; $i < 4; ++$i): ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $i ?>" <?php if (isset($module['column']) && $module['column'] == $i): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $i ?></option>
                      <?php endfor; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
        <?php self::show_color_icons($type, $name, $module); ?>
        <?php if (in_array($type, array('wpf_ct_cat', 'wpf_ct_tag'))) : ?>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
              <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[include_cat]"><?php echo $type === 'wpf_ct_cat' ? __('Include Categories', 'wpf_ct') : __('Include Tags', 'wpf'); ?></label>
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
                <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[include_cat]" type="text" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][include_cat]" value="<?php echo!empty($module['include_cat']) ? $module['include_cat'] : ''; ?>">
                <?php if ($type === 'wpf_ct_cat') : ?>
                    <?php _e('Enter category ID numbers to include only (eg. 2, 4, 12)', 'wpf'); ?>
                <?php else: ?>
                    <?php _e('Enter tag ID numbers to include only (eg. 2, 4, 12)', 'wpf') ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row">
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
              <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[exclude_cat]"><?php echo $type === 'wpf_ct_cat' ? __('Exclude Categories', 'wpf') : __('Exclude Tags', 'wpf'); ?></label>
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
                <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[exclude_cat]" type="text" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][exclude_cat]" value="<?php echo!empty($module['exclude_cat']) ? $module['exclude_cat'] : ''; ?>">
                <?php if ($type === 'wpf_ct_cat') : ?>
                  <?php _e('Enter category ID numbers to exclude (eg. 2, 4, 12)', 'wpf'); ?>
                <?php else: ?>
                  <?php _e('Enter tag ID numbers to exclude (eg. 2, 4, 12)', 'wpf') ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row wpf_ct_show_all_block">
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
              <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[show_all]"><?php _e( 'Show "All" option', 'wpf' ); ?></label>
            <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input">
                <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[show_all]" type="checkbox" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][show_all]" value="1" <?php if ( ! empty( $module['show_all'] ) ) : ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> />
                <?php _e( 'Show option to list all terms', 'wpf' ) ?>
        <?php break; ?>
      <?php endswitch; ?>
    private static function show_color_icons($type, $name, $module = array()) {
        if ($type === 'wpf_ct_cat') {
          $name = __('categories', 'wpf');
        $get_all_languages = [
          'en' => [
            'name'     => '',
            'selected' => true,
      <?php $categories = get_terms($type === 'wpf_ct_cat' || $type === 'wpf_ct_tag' ? str_replace('wpf_ct', 'product', $type) : $type, array('hide_empty' => false)); ?>
      <?php if (!empty($categories)): ?>
        <?php $languages = $get_all_languages; ?>
        <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_row wpf_ct_icons_block">
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_label">
            <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[color]"><?php _e('Color Icons', 'wpf') ?></label>
          <div class="wpf_ct_back_active_module_input wpf_ct_show_icons wpf_ct_changed">
              <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[color]" type="checkbox" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][color]" value="1" <?php if (!empty($module['color'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
              <?php printf(__('Display %s as color icons', 'wpf'), $name) ?>
            <div class="wpf_items_container">
                <input id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>[tooltip]" type="checkbox" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][tooltip]" value="1" <?php if (!empty($module['tooltip'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>  />
                <?php _e('Display tooltip on icon hover', 'wpf'); ?>
              <ul class="wpf_tax_items">
                <?php foreach ($categories as $cat): ?>
                  <li class="clearfix">
                    <div class="wpf_color_wrapper">
                      <label class="wpf_color_name" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_color"><?php echo $cat->name ?></label>
                    <div class="wpf_color_options_wrap">
                      <label class="wpf_color_wrap" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_color_bg">
                        <span><?php _e('Background', 'wpf') ?></span>
                        <input class="wpf_color_picker" type="text" id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_color_bg" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][color_bg_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>]" <?php if (!empty($module['color_bg_' . $cat->term_id])): ?>data-value="<?php echo $module['color_bg_' . $cat->term_id] ?>"<?php endif; ?> />
                      <label class="wpf_color_wrap" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_color_text">
                        <span><?php _e('Text Color', 'wpf') ?></span>
                        <input class="wpf_color_picker" type="text" id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_color_text" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][color_text_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>]" <?php if (!empty($module['color_text_' . $cat->term_id])): ?>data-value="<?php echo $module['color_text_' . $cat->term_id] ?>"<?php endif; ?> />
                      <label class="wpf_color_wrap wpf_color_text" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_text_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>">
                        <span><?php _e('Icon Text', 'wpf') ?></span>
                        <?php WPF_Utils_CT::module_language_tabs($type, $module, $languages, 'text_' . $cat->term_id); ?>
                      <label class="wpf_color_wrap wpf_background_image <?php if (!empty($module['image_bg_' . $cat->term_id])): ?> has-image <?php endif;?>" for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_image_bg">
                        <span><?php _e('Background Image', 'wpf') ?></span>
                        <input class="" type="text" id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_image_bg"
                             name="[<?php echo $type ?>][image_bg_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>]"
                             name="wpf_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>_image_bg"
                             <?php if (!empty($module['image_bg_' . $cat->term_id])): ?>value="<?php echo $module['image_bg_' . $cat->term_id] ?>"<?php endif; ?> />
                        <button class="open_media_uploader_image button-link "><?php esc_attr_e( 'Select Image', 'wpf' ); ?></button>
                        <div class="image-area">
                          <img class="preview-image-wraper" src="<?php echo $module['image_bg_' . $cat->term_id] ?>" alt="">
                          <i class="remove-background ti-close"></i>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
              <input type="checkbox" id="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_hide" name="[<?php echo $type ?>][hide]" value="1" <?php if (!empty($module['hide'])): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>/>
              <label for="wpf_ct_<?php echo $type ?>_hide">
                <?php printf(__('Hide original %s labels', 'wpf'), $name) ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
    public function save_themplate(array $post) {
    $result = false;
    if (!empty($post['layout'])) {
      $option = WPF_Options_CT::get_option($this->plugin_name, $this->version);
      if (empty($post['name'])) {
        $post['name'] = uniqid($this->plugin_name . '_');
      $themplate_id = !empty($post['themplate_id']) ? $post['themplate_id'] : $option->unique_name($post['name']);
      $data = $option->get();
      $layout = stripslashes_deep($post['layout']);
      if (empty($data[$themplate_id])) {
        $data[$themplate_id] = array();
      $data[$themplate_id]['layout'] = json_decode($layout, true);
      $data[$themplate_id]['data'] = array();
      $_keys = array( 'name', 'empty', 'group','reset_button', 'type', 'page', 'sort', 'pagination', 'posts_per_page', 'result', 'out_of_stock', 'scroll', 'result_type', 'tax_relation', 'pagination_type', 'no_found_message', 'infinitybuffer', 'clear_label' );
      foreach ($_keys as $k) {
        if (!empty($post[$k])) {
          $data[$themplate_id]['data'][$k] = $post[$k];
      $data[$themplate_id]['data']['date'] = current_time('timestamp');
      $data = apply_filters('wpf_ct_template_save', $data, $themplate_id);
      $result = array(
        'id' => $themplate_id,
        'status' => '1',
        'text' => __('Template successfully updated', 'wpf')
    return $result;
  protected function get_public_fields($type, array $args, array $data, array $request = array(), $lang = false) {
    $wpf = WPF_Public_CT::get_instance();
    $value = array();
    if (!empty($request[$type])) {
      $value = $request[$type];
    switch ($type):
    case 'title':
    case 'sku':
      if ( ! wp_script_is( 'jquery-ui-autocomplete' ) ) {
        wp_enqueue_style($this->plugin_name . 'ui-css');
    <div class="wpf_autocomplete">
      <input type="text" autocomplete="off" name="<?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::strtolower(WPF_Utils::get_field_name($args, $type)); ?>" value="<?php echo $value ? esc_attr($value) : '' ?>" />
      <span class="wpf-search-wait"></span>
    case 'instock':
    case 'onsale':
      $show = true;
      if (!empty($data['empty'])) {
        $query_args = array(
          'post_type' => array('product'),
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'posts_per_page' => 1
        if ($type === 'onsale') {
        $query_args['meta_query'] = array(array(
          'relation' => 'OR',
          array(// Simple products type
            'key' => '_sale_price',
            'value' => 0,
            'compare' => '>',
            'type' => 'NUMERIC'
          array(// Variable products type
            'key' => '_min_variation_sale_price',
            'value' => 0,
            'compare' => '>',
            'type' => 'NUMERIC'
        } else {
          $query_args['meta_query'] = array(array(
            'key' => '_stock_status',
            'value' => 'instock',
            'compare' => '=',
        $meta_query = new WP_Query($query_args);
        $show = $meta_query->have_posts();
      if ( $type === 'instock' && ! empty( $data['out_of_stock'] ) ) {
        $value = 1;
    <?php if ( $show ) : ?>
      <div class="wpf_<?php echo $type ?>_wrapp">
          id="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_item_<?php echo $type ?>"
          <?php if ( ! empty( $value ) ) : ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?>
          name="<?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::strtolower(WPF_Utils_CT::get_field_name($args, $type)); ?>"
    <?php endif; ?>
    case 'submit':
      <button type="submit" class="wpf_search_button"><?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::get_field_name($args, __('Search', 'wpf')) ?></button>
    case 'price':
    $price_type = !empty($args['price_type']) ? $args['price_type'] : 'slider';
    $name = WPF_Utils_CT::strtolower(WPF_Utils_CT::get_field_name($args, $type));
    if ($price_type === 'slider') {
      list( $min, $max ) = $this->get_min_max_price();
      if ( empty( $max ) ) {
      if ( ! wp_script_is( 'jquery-ui-slider' ) ) {
        wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name . 'ui-css' );
      $step = ($min >= 0 && $min < 1 && ceil($max) <=1)? 0.1 : 1;
      if (isset($args['step'])){
        $step = $args['step'];
      $from = isset($value['from']) && is_numeric($value['from']) ? floor($value['from']) : '';
      $to = isset($value['to']) && is_numeric($value['to']) ? ceil($value['to']) : '';
      if (empty($min)) {
        $min = 0;
      $min = floor($min);
      /* products are not filtered by price, set $from and $to to empty to prevent unnecessary meta query */
      if ( $from === $min && $to === $max ) {
        $from = '';
        $to = '';
    <div data-max="<?php echo ceil($max) ?>" data-min="<?php echo $min ?>" data-step="<?php echo $step;?>" class="wpf_slider"></div>
    <div class="wpf-slider-label">
      <?php echo str_replace( '0', '<span class="wpf-price-min">' . ( empty( $from ) ? $min : $from ) . '</span>', WPF_Utils_CT::format_price( 0 ) ); ?>
      <?php echo str_replace( '0', '<span class="wpf-price-max">' . ( empty( $to ) ? $max : $to ) . '</span>', WPF_Utils_CT::format_price( 0 ) ); ?>
    <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $name ?>-from" value="<?php echo $from ?>" class="wpf_price_from" />
    <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $name ?>-to" value="<?php echo $to ?>" class="wpf_price_to" />
    } elseif (!empty($args['from'])) {
      $selected = isset($value['from']) && is_numeric($value['from']) ? floor($value['from']) : '';
      $selected.= isset($value['to']) && is_numeric($value['to']) ? ceil($value['to']) : '';
      if ($selected === '-') {
        $selected = false;
    <ul class="wpf_price_range">
        <input <?php if (!$selected): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_item_<?php echo $type ?>_all" type="radio" name="<?php echo $name ?>" value=""/>
        <label for="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_item_<?php echo $type ?>_all"><?php _e('All', 'wpf') ?></label>
      foreach ( (array) $args['from'] as $i => $v): ?>
        $from = floor($v);
        $to = (array) $args['to'];
        $to = ! empty( $to[ $i ] ) ? ceil( $to[ $i ] ) : '';
        $orig_v = $from . '-' . $to;
        <input <?php if ($selected === $orig_v): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_item_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $i ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $name ?>" value="<?php echo $orig_v ?>"/>
        <label for="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_item_<?php echo $type ?>_<?php echo $i ?>"><?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::format_price($from) ?> - <?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::format_price($to) ?></label>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php break; ?>
    $args['show_as'] = !empty($args['show_as']) ? $args['show_as'] : 'link';
    $link = $args['show_as'] === 'link';
    $hierarchy = !empty($args['hierachy']);
    $color = !$link && !empty($args['color']);
    $hide_text = !$link && !$hierarchy && $color && !empty($args['hide']);
    $column = $args['display'] === 'columns' ? (!empty($args['column']) ? $args['column'] : 1) : false;
    $q = array(
      'hide_empty' => !$hierarchy && !empty($data['empty']),
      'hierarchical' => $hierarchy,
      'pad_counts' => $hierarchy
    if ($args['order'] !== 'term_order') {
      $q['orderby'] = $args['order'];
      $q['order'] = $args['orderby'];
    if (!empty($args['include_cat'])) {
      $q['include'] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $args['include_cat']));
    if (!empty($args['exclude_cat'])) {
      $q['exclude'] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $args['exclude_cat']));
    $categories = get_terms(str_replace('wpf_ct_', 'product_', $type), $q);
    if ($hierarchy) {
      $cats = array();
      foreach ($categories as $c) {
        if (!isset($cats[$c->parent])) {
          $cats[$c->parent] = array();
        $cats[$c->parent][] = $c;
    } else {
      $cats = $categories;
    $selected = null;
    if (($type === 'wpf_cat' && is_product_category()) || ($type === 'wpf_tag' && is_product_tag())) {
      global $wp_query;
      $cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
      if (is_object($cat) && !empty($cat->slug)) {
        if (empty($value)) {
          $value = array();
          $value[] = $cat->slug;
        } elseif ( $type === 'wpf_tag' ) {
          $value = explode(',', $value);
          $value[] = $cat->slug;
          $selected = $cat->slug;
    $is_dropdown = 'dropdown' === $args['show_as'] || 'multiselect' === $args['show_as'];
    if ($is_dropdown) {
      $args['color'] = false;
      wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name . '-select' );
    <?php if (!empty($cats)): ?>
      <?php if ($is_dropdown): ?>
        <select  name="<?php echo WPF_Utils_CT::strtolower(WPF_Utils_CT::get_field_name($args, $type)); ?><?php if ('multiselect' === $args['show_as']): ?>[]<?php endif; ?>" <?php if ('multiselect' === $args['show_as']): ?>multiple="multiple" <?php if ($selected && ($type === 'wpf_cat' || $type === 'wpf_tag')): ?>data-selected="<?php echo $selected ?>" <?php endif; ?><?php endif; ?>class="wpf_ct_dropdown">
        <?php else: ?>
          <ul class="<?php if ($link): ?>wpf_ct_links <?php endif; ?><?php if (!$hierarchy): ?>wpf_ct_column_<?php echo $args['display'] ?><?php if ($column): ?> wpf_ct_column_<?php echo $column ?><?php endif; ?><?php else: ?>wpf_ct_hierachy<?php endif; ?><?php if ($color): ?> wpf_ct_color_icons<?php endif; ?><?php if ($hide_text): ?> wpf_ct_hide_text<?php endif; ?>">
          <?php endif; ?>
          <?php if (!empty($args['hierachy'])): ?>
            <?php $this->category_walker($cats[0], $cats, $type, $args, $value, !empty($data['empty']), $lang); ?>
          <?php else: ?>
            <?php $this->category_walker($cats, array(), $type, $args, $value, !empty($data['empty']), $lang); ?>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <?php if ($is_dropdown): ?>
        <?php else: ?>
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php break; ?>
    <?php endswitch; ?>
  private function category_walker($items, $cats = array(), $type, array $args = array(), $value, $hide_empty = true, $lang, $i = 1) {
        // echo '<pre>';
        //     echo 'ggggggggg';
        //     var_export($items);
        // echo '</pre>';
        $hierarchy = !empty($args['hierachy']);
        $color = !empty($args['color']);
        $hide_text = !$hierarchy && $color && !empty($args['hide']);
        $show_count = !empty($args['count']);
        $value = empty($value) ? array() : (!is_array($value) ? explode(',', $value) : $value);
        static $product_count = false;
        $name = WPF_Utils_CT::strtolower( WPF_Utils_CT::get_field_name( $args, $type ) );
        $name = urldecode( $name );
        if ($product_count === false && $show_count) {
            $product_count = WPF_Utils_CT::count_posts( 'product' );
        if ( 2 === $i && ! empty( $args['show_all'] ) ) :
            <?php if ('radio' === $args['show_as']):
            $term_id = isset($cats->term_id)? $cats->term_id : '';
                <li class="<?php echo $name, '_option_all'; ?>">
                    <input <?php if (empty($value)): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="<?php echo $name, '_option_all'; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $name; ?>[]" value="" />
                    <label <?php if (($color && !empty($args['color_bg_' . $term_id])) || !empty($args['image_bg_' . $term_id])): ?>
                            <?php if (!empty($args['image_bg_' . $term_id])):?>background-image: url(<?php echo $args['image_bg_' . $term_id] ?>);background-size: cover;<?php endif;?>
                            <?php if (!empty($args['color_bg_' . $term_id])):?>background-color:<?php echo $args['color_bg_' . $term_id]?>; <?php endif; ?>
                            <?php if (!empty($args['color_text_' . $term_id])): ?> color:<?php echo $args['color_text_' . $term_id] ?>;<?php endif; ?>"
                          <?php endif; ?>
                            for="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_<?php echo $term_id ?>">
                    <label <?php if ($color): ?> class="wpf-label-option-all"<?php endif; ?> for="<?php echo $name, '_option_all'; ?>">
                        <?php _e('All', 'wpf'); ?>
                    <?php if ($show_count): ?>
                        <span class="wpf_item_count"><?php echo $product_count; ?></span>
                    <?php endif; ?>
            <?php elseif ('dropdown' === $args['show_as']): ?>
                <option value="">
                    <?php _e('All', 'wpf'); ?>
                    <?php if ($show_count): ?>
                        &nbsp;(<?php echo $product_count; ?>)
                    <?php endif; ?>
            <?php elseif (strpos($type, 'pa_') === 0 && 'link' === $args['show_as']): ?>
                <li class="<?php echo $name; ?>">
                    <a class="wpf_pa_link" href="javascript:void(0)">
                        <input <?php if (!$value): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" value="" name="<?php echo $name ?>" />
                        <span><?php _e('All', 'wpf'); ?></span>
                    <?php if ($show_count): ?>
                        <span class="wpf_item_count"><?php echo $product_count; ?></span>
                    <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php foreach ( $items as $cat ) :
        $cat->slug = urldecode( $cat->slug ); // make slug readable, required for multilingual websites
        $read_only = '';
        if ( is_product_category() || is_product_tag() ) {
          $query_object = get_queried_object();
          if ( $cat->taxonomy === $query_object->taxonomy && $query_object->slug === $cat->slug ) {
            $read_only = 'readonly="readonly"';
            <?php if ($hide_empty && $cat->count === 0): ?>
                <?php continue; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
            <?php if ('dropdown' === $args['show_as'] || 'multiselect' === $args['show_as']): ?>
                <option<?php if ( in_array( $cat->slug, $value, true ) ) : ?> selected="selected"<?php endif; ?> value="<?php echo $cat->slug ?>">
                    if ($hierarchy && $i > 2) {
                        echo str_repeat('&nbsp;', ($i - 2) * 3);
                    <?php echo $cat->name; ?>
                    <?php if ($show_count): ?> &nbsp;(<?php echo $cat->count ?>)<?php endif; ?>
                <?php if ($hierarchy && !empty($cats[$cat->term_id])): ?>
                    <?php $this->category_walker($cats[$cat->term_id], $cats, $type, $args, $value, $hide_empty, $lang, $i); ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
            <?php else: ?>
                <li class="<?php echo "wpf_{$cat->taxonomy}_{$cat->term_id}"; ?>">
                    <?php if ('link' === $args['show_as']): ?>
                        <?php if (strpos($type, 'pa_') !== 0 && in_array( $cat->slug, $value, true ) ): ?>
                            <span class="wpf_selected"><?php echo $cat->name ?></span>
                        <?php else: ?>
                            <?php if (strpos($type, 'pa_') === 0): ?>
                                <a class="wpf_pa_link" href="<?php echo get_term_link($cat->term_id, $cat->taxonomy); ?>">
                                    <input <?php echo $read_only; ?> <?php if (in_array($cat->slug, $value,true)): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> type="radio" value="<?php echo $cat->slug ?>" name="<?php echo $name ?>" />
                                    <span><?php echo $cat->name ?></span>
                            <?php else: ?>
                                <a href="<?php echo get_term_link($cat->term_id, $cat->taxonomy); ?>">
                                    <?php echo $cat->name ?>
                            <?php endif; ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>
                    <?php else: ?>
                        $show_label = $color && (!$hide_text || !empty($args['text_' . $cat->term_id][$lang]));
                        $label = $show_label && !empty($args['text_' . $cat->term_id][$lang]) ? WPF_Utils_CT::get_label($args['text_' . $cat->term_id]) : $cat->name;
                        $color_bg = !empty($args['color_bg_' . $cat->term_id])?$args['color_bg_' . $cat->term_id]:'';
                        $color_text=!empty($args['color_text_' . $cat->term_id])?$args['color_text_' . $cat->term_id]:'';
                        $image_bg=!empty($args['image_bg_' . $cat->term_id])?$args['image_bg_' . $cat->term_id]:'';
                        <input <?php echo $read_only; ?> <?php if ( in_array( $cat->slug, $value, true ) ): ?>checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> id="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>" type="<?php echo $args['show_as'] ?>" name="<?php echo $name; ?>[]" value="<?php echo $cat->slug ?>" />
                        <label <?php if (($color && ! empty( $color_bg ) ) || ! empty( $image_bg ) ) : ?>
                                    <?php if ( ! empty( $image_bg ) ) : ?>background-image: url(<?php echo $image_bg ?>);background-size: cover;<?php endif;?>
                                    <?php if ( ! empty( $color_bg ) ) : ?>background-color:<?php echo $color_bg; ?>; <?php endif;?>
                                    <?php if ( ! empty( $color_text ) ) : ?> color:<?php echo $color_text ?>;<?php endif; ?>"
                               <?php endif; ?>
                                for="wpf_<?php echo $this->themplate_id ?>_<?php echo $cat->term_id ?>">
                            <?php if ($show_label || !$color): ?><?php echo $label ?><?php else: ?><i></i><?php endif; ?>
                            <?php if(!empty($args['tooltip'])): ?>
                            <span class="wpf_tooltip"><?php echo $label ?></span>
                            <?php endif; ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>
                    <?php if ($show_count): ?><span class="wpf_item_count"><?php echo $cat->count ?></span><?php endif; ?>
                    <?php if ($hierarchy && !empty($cats[$cat->term_id])): ?>
                        <ul class="wpf_submenu wpf_level_<?php echo $i ?>">
                            <?php $this->category_walker($cats[$cat->term_id], $cats, $type, $args, $value, $hide_empty, $lang, $i); ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>


(function ($) {
    'use strict';
    var in_scroll = false;
	var infinitybuffer = 300; /* how soon wpf will load the next set of products. Higher number means sooner */
    function triggerEvent(a, b) {
        var c;
        document.createEvent ? (c = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"), c.initEvent(b, !0, !0)) : document.createEventObject && (c = document.createEventObject(), c.eventType = b), c.eventName = b, a.dispatchEvent ? a.dispatchEvent(c) : a.fireEvent && htmlEvents["on" + b] ? a.fireEvent("on" + c.eventType, c) : a[b] ? a[b]() : a["on" + b] && a["on" + b]()
	 * Loads a script file if test() parameter passes, then calls callback()
	 * @param src string
	 * @param test function to check whether script needs to be loaded
	 * @param callback function
	var load_script = function( src, test, callback ) {
		if (test && test() === true) {
			if (callback) {
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		s.setAttribute('async', 'async');
		s.onload = function () {
			if (callback) {
			const key = this.getAttribute('id');
		s.setAttribute('src', src);
	 * load multiple script files, then calls callback() when all are loaded
	 * @param scripts array multidimensional
	 * @param callback function
	var load_scripts = function( scripts, callback ) {
		if ( scripts.length === 0 ) {
		load_script( scripts[0][0], scripts[0][1], function() {
			load_scripts( scripts, callback );
		} );
	var load_slider = function( callback ) {
		var jquery_path = wpf.includes_url + 'js/jquery/';
		var scripts = [
			[ jquery_path + 'ui/core.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui === 'object' } ],
			[ jquery_path + 'ui/mouse.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui.mouse === 'function' } ],
			[ jquery_path + 'jquery.ui.touch-punch.js', function() { return ! ( 'ontouchstart' in window ); } ],
			[ jquery_path + 'ui/slider.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui.slider === 'function' } ]
		/* compatibility with WP 5.5.3 or lower */
		if ( wpf.load_jquery_ui_widget ) {
			scripts.unshift( [ jquery_path + 'ui/widget.min.js', function() { return typeof $.widget === 'function' } ] );
		load_scripts( scripts, function() {
		} );
    var InitSlider = function ( container ) {
		if ( ! $.fn.slider ) {
		$( '.wpf_slider', container ).each(function () {
			var $wrap = $(this).closest('.wpf_item'),
				$min = $wrap.find('.wpf_price_from'),
				$max = $wrap.find('.wpf_price_to'),
				$min_val = parseInt($(this).data('min')),
				$max_val = parseInt($(this).data('max')),
				step = parseFloat($(this).data('step')),
				$form = $wrap.closest('form'),
				$v1 = parseInt($min.val()),
				$v2 = parseInt($max.val());
			var $label_min = $wrap.find( '.wpf-price-min' ),
				$label_max = $wrap.find( '.wpf-price-max' );
			// check for valid numbers in data-min and data-max
			if ($min_val === parseInt($min_val, 10) && $max_val === parseInt($max_val, 10)) {
				$v1 = $v1 ? $v1 : $min_val;
				$v2 = $v2 ? $v2 : $max_val;
					range: true,
					min: $min_val,
					step: isNaN(step) || step <= 0 ? 1 : step,
					max: $max_val,
					values: [$v1, $v2],
					slide: function (event, ui) {
						$label_min.text( ui.values[ 0 ] );
						$label_max.text( ui.values[ 1 ] );
					stop: function (event, ui) {
						$min.val(ui.values[ 0 ]);
						$max.val(ui.values[ 1 ]);
						if ($form.hasClass('wpf_submit_on_change')) {
							$form.trigger( 'submit' );
    var InitGroupToggle = function ( container ) {
        $( 'body' ).off( 'click.wpfGroupToggle' ).on( 'click.wpfGroupToggle', '.wpf_grouped_label', function (e) {
            var $wrap = $(this).next('.wpf_items_group'),
				$this = $(this);
			if ($wrap.is(':visible')) {
				$wrap.slideUp(function () {
			else {
				$wrap.slideDown(function () {
		$( '.wpf_items_grouped:not(.wpf_layout_horizontal) .wpf_item_name', container ).each( function() {
			if ( $( this ).closest( '.wpf_item_onsale, .wpf_item_instock' ).length ) {
			$( this ).addClass( 'wpf_grouped_label' ).trigger( 'click' );
		} );
	var getProductsContainer = function( context = null ) {
		var $container = $( '.wpf-search-container', context ).first();
		if ( $container.length === 0 ) {
			$container = $( '.wc-products.loops-wrapper', context ).parent(); // Themify Builder WooCommerce
			if ( $container.length === 0 ) {
				$container = $( '.woocommerce ul.products', context ).parent();
				if ( $container.length === 0 ) {
					$container = $( 'ul.products', context ).parent();
					if ( $container.length === 0 ) {
						$container = $( '.post', context ).first();
		return $container.first().addClass( 'wpf-search-container' );
    var InitSubmit = function () {
        var masonryData, isMasonry;
        $( 'body' ).off( 'submit.wpfForm' ).on( 'submit.wpfForm', '.wpf_ct_form', function (e) {
            var $form = $(this),
				$container = getProductsContainer(),
				data = $form.serializeArray(),
				result = {};
            for (var i in data) {
                if ( data[i].value.trim() ) {
                    var name = data[i].name.replace('[]', '');
                    if (!result[name]) {
                        result[name] = data[i].value;
                    else {
                        result[name] += ',' + data[i].value;
            if (in_scroll) {
               result['append'] = 1;
            // Save isotope data if masonry is enabled
			if ( $container.length ) {
				const productsWrap = $container[0].getElementsByClassName('products');
				masonryData = masonryData || $( '.products', $container ).data( 'isotope' ) || (typeof Isotope === 'function' && productsWrap.length>0 && Isotope.data( productsWrap[0] ));
				isMasonry = isMasonry || typeof masonryData === 'object' && 'options' in masonryData;
			if ( $form.hasClass( 'wpf_form_ajax' ) && ! $container.length ) {
				 * result is supposed to display on the same page, but there's no loop to display it;
				 * post the data to Shop page
				$form.removeClass( 'wpf_form_ajax' ).attr( 'action', $form.attr( 'data-shop' ) );
			var currentUrl = new URL( $form.prop( 'action' ) );
			for ( const i in result ) {
				currentUrl.searchParams.set( i, result[ i ] );
            if ( ! $form.hasClass( 'wpf_form_ajax' ) ) {
				window.location = currentUrl.toString();
				return false;
                url: currentUrl.toString(),
                type: 'GET',
                beforeSend: function () {
                    document.body.classList.add( 'wpf_loading' );
                    $form.addClass( 'wpf-search-submit' );
                    $container.addClass( 'wpf-container-wait' );
                complete: function () {
					document.body.classList.remove( 'wpf_loading' );
                    $form.removeClass( 'wpf-search-submit' );
                    $container.removeClass( 'wpf-container-wait' );
                success: function (resp) {
                    if (resp) {
                        history.replaceState({}, null, currentUrl.toString() );
                        var scrollTo = $container,
                            containerClass = $('.products', $container).attr('class'),
                            $resp = $( resp ),
							$resp_container = getProductsContainer( $resp );
                        $container.data('slug', $form.data('slug'));
                        $.event.trigger( 'wpf_ajax_before_replace' );
                        if ( in_scroll ) {
                            products = $resp_container.find('.product');
								.removeClass( 'first last' ); // remove grid classes
                            $( '.products', $container ).first().append( products );
							var columns = containerClass.match( /columns-(\d)/ );
							/* add proper "first" & "last" classes to the products */
							if ( columns !== null ) {
								columns = parseInt( columns[1] );
								$( '.products', $container ).first()
									.find( '.product:nth-child(' + columns + 'n+1)' ).addClass( 'first' )
									.end().find( '.product:nth-child(' + columns + 'n)' ).addClass( 'last' );
                            var scroll = $resp.find('.wpf_infinity a');
                            if(scroll.length > 0){
                                $('.wpf_infinity a',$container).data({
                                    current : scroll.data('current'),
                                    max : scroll.data('max')
                            scrollTo = products.first();
                            delete result['append'];
                                in_scroll = false;
                        } else {
							// remove existing pagination links
							$( '.wpf-pagination' ).remove();
							if ( $resp_container.find( '.product' ).length ) {
								$container.empty().append( $resp_container.removeAttr( 'class' ) );
								wpfInit( $container );
							} else {
								// 404, no products matching the selection found
								$container.empty().append( $form.find( '.wpf-no-products-found' ).clone().show() );
                        if( isMasonry && $.fn.isotope ) {
							if ( typeof masonryData['appended'] === 'function' && products !== null ) {
								masonryData.appended( products );
                        } else if ($form.hasClass('wpf_form_scroll')) {
						if ( products !== null ) {
                        if ( window.wp !== undefined && window.wp.mediaelement !== undefined ) {
                        $.event.trigger( 'wpf_ajax_success' );
                        triggerEvent(window, 'resize');
    var ToScroll = function ($container) {
        if ($container.length > 0) {
                scrollTop: $container.offset().top - $('#wpadminbar').outerHeight(true) - 10
            }, 1000);
	var infinityEl = $(); /* element to check scroll off of */
    var infinity = function (e, click) {
		if ( ! infinityEl.length ) {
			infinityEl = getProductsContainer();
		if ( ! in_scroll && (
			|| ( window.scrollY > infinityEl.offset().top + infinityEl.outerHeight() - infinitybuffer ) // scroll past the products container
			|| ( ( window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset ) >= document.body.offsetHeight ) // reach bottom of the page
		) ) {
            var container = $('.wpf-search-container'),
				scroll = $('.wpf_infinity a', container),
				$form = $('.wpf_ct_form_' + container.data('slug'));
            if ( ! $form.length ) {
				$form = $( '.wpf_ct_form:first' );
            if ( $form.length ) {
                var current = scroll.data('current');
                if (current <= scroll.data('max')) {
                    in_scroll = true;
                    if (!click) {
                    $form.trigger( 'submit' );
                    if (((current + 1) > scroll.data('max'))) {
                        if (!click) {
                            $(this).off('scroll', infinity);
    var InitPagination = function () {
        function find_page_number(element) {
            var $page = parseInt(element.text());
            if ( ! $page ) {
                $page = parseInt(element.closest('.woocommerce-pagination,.pagenav').find('.current').text());
                if (element.hasClass('next')) {
                } else {
                var pattern = new RegExp( '(?<=paged=)[^\b\s\=]+' );
                if( ! $page && pattern.test( element.attr( 'href' ) ) ) {
                        $page = element.attr( 'href' ).match( pattern )[0];
            return $page;
        if ($('.wpf_infinity_auto').length > 0) {
            $(window).off('scroll', infinity).on('scroll', infinity);
        else if ($('.wpf_infinity').length > 0) {
            $( 'body' ).off( 'click.wpfInfinity' ).on( 'click.wpfInfinity', '.wpf_infinity a', function (e) {
                infinity(e, 1);
        else {
            $( 'body' ).off( 'click.wpfPagination' ).on( 'click.wpfPagination', '.wpf-pagination a,.woocommerce-pagination a', function (e) {
                if("1" == new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("wpf")){
                    var $slug = $(this).closest('.wpf-search-container').data('slug'),
                        $form = $('.wpf_ct_form_' + $slug);
                    if ($form.length > 0 && $form.find('input[name="wpf_page"]').length > 0) {
                        $form.trigger( 'submit' );
	/* decode HTML entities */
	var decodeEntities = function( string ) {
		var textarea = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
		textarea.innerHTML = string;
		return textarea.innerText;
	var isValidUrl = function( string ) {
		try {
			new URL(string);
		} catch (_) {
			return false;  
		return true;
	 * Loads jQuery UI AutoComplete library and calls callback()
	var load_autocomplete = function( callback ) {
		var jquery_ui_path = wpf.includes_url + 'js/jquery/ui/';
		var scripts = [
			[ jquery_ui_path + 'core.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui === 'object' } ],
			[ jquery_ui_path + 'position.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui.position === 'object' } ],
			[ jquery_ui_path + 'menu.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui.menu === 'function'; } ],
			[ jquery_ui_path + 'autocomplete.min.js', function() { return typeof $.ui.autocomplete === 'function' } ]
		/* compatibility with WP 5.5.3 or lower */
		if ( wpf.load_jquery_ui_widget ) {
			scripts.unshift( [ jquery_ui_path + 'widget.min.js', function() { return typeof $.widget === 'function' } ] );
		load_scripts( scripts, function() {
		} );
    var InitAutoComplete = function ( container ) {
		if ( ! $.fn.autocomplete ) {
        var cache = [];
        $( '.wpf_autocomplete input', container ).each(function () {
            var $this = $(this),
                    $key = $this.closest('.wpf_item_sku').length > 0 ? 'sku' : 'title',
                    $spinner = $this.next('.wpf-search-wait'),
                    $form = $this.closest('form'),
                    $submit = $form.hasClass('wpf_submit_on_change');
            cache[$key] = [];
                minLength: 0,
                classes: {
                    "ui-autocomplete": "highlight"
                source: function (request, response) {
                    var term = $.trim(request.term);
                    if ($submit && term.length === 0 && request.term.length === 0) {
                        $form.trigger( 'submit' );
                    if (term.length < 1) {
                    request.term = term;
                    term = term.toLowerCase();
                    if (term in cache[$key]) {
                        response(cache[$key][ term ]);
                    request.key = $key;
                    request.action = 'wpf_autocomplete';
                            function (data, status, xhr) {
								for ( const i in data ) {
									data[ i ]['label'] = decodeEntities( data[ i ]['label'] );
                                cache[$key][ term ] = data;
                select: function (event, ui) {
					if ( isValidUrl( ui.item.value ) ) {
						window.location = ui.item.value;
					} else {
						$this.val( ui.item.value );
						if ($submit) {
							$form.trigger( 'submit' );
                    return false;
            .on( 'focus', function () {
                if ( $this.val().trim().length > 0) {
    var InitOrder = function () {
        function Order(val, obj) {
            var $slug = obj.closest('.wpf-search-container').data('slug'),
                    $form = $('.wpf_ct_form_' + $slug);
            if ($form.length > 0 && $form.find('input[name="orderby"]').length > 0) {
                $form.trigger( 'submit' );
        $('.wpf-search-container').on('form.woocommerce-ordering', 'submit', function (e) {
            Order($(this).find('select').val(), $(this));
        }).on('select.orderby', 'change', function (e) {
            Order($(this).val(), $(this));
        if (!$('.wpf-search-container').data('slug')) {
            $('.wpf-search-container').data('slug', $('.wpf_ct_form').last().data('slug'));
    var InitChange = function ( container ) {
        if ( $( '.wpf_submit_on_change', container ).length > 0) {
            $( '.wpf_submit_on_change', container ).each(function () {
                var $form = $(this);
                $form.find('input[type!="text"],select').on( 'change', function (e) {
                    if( $(this).attr("name") == 'price' && $(this).is(":checked") ) {
                        $(".wpf_price_range label").removeClass("active");
                    $form.trigger( 'submit' );
                $form.find('.wpf_pa_link').on( 'click', function (e) {
                    $(this).find('input').prop('checked', true).trigger('change');
    var InitTabs = function ( container ) {
        var $horizontal = $( '.wpf_layout_horizontal', container );
        if ($horizontal.length > 0) {
                function () {
                function () {
                    var $this = $(this);
                    if ($this.closest('.wpf-search-submit').length === 0) {
                        var hover = true;
                        $( '.wpf_ui_autocomplete', container ).each(function () {
                            if ($(this).is(':hover')) {
                                hover = false;
                                return false;
                        if (hover) {
            if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|playbook|silk|BlackBerry|BB10|Windows Phone|Tizen|Bada|webOS|IEMobile|Opera Mini)/)){
                $horizontal.find('.wpf_item:not(.wpf_item_onsale):not(.wpf_item_instock) .wpf_item_name').click(function(){
                    var $parent = $(this).parent(),
                        isVisible = $parent.children('.wpf_items_group').is(':visible'),
                        touched = $parent.hasClass('wpf_touched');
                    if(isVisible && !touched){
                    }else if(!isVisible && !touched){
                    }else if(touched){
            var interval;
            $(window).resize(function (e) {
                if (!e.isTrigger) {
                    interval = setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 500);
    var InitTabsWidth = function ($groups) {
        $groups.each(function () {
			var $group = $( this );
            var $items = $group.find('.wpf_items_group'),
                    $middle = Math.ceil($items.length / 2),
                    last = $items.last().closest('.wpf_item'),
                    max = last.offset().left;
            $items.each(function () {
                var p = $(this).closest('.wpf_item');
                if (max < p.offset().left) {
                    last = p;
                    max = p.offset().left;
            var $firstPos = $items.first().closest('.wpf_item').offset().left - 2,
                    $lastPos = max + last.outerWidth(true);
            last = null;
            max = null;
            $items.each(function (i) {
				var parent_item = $(this).closest('.wpf_item'),
						left = parent_item.offset().left;
				if ( screen.width > 1000 ) {
					$( this ).css( 'left', '' );
					if (i + 1 >= $middle) {
						$(this).removeClass('wpf_left_tab').addClass('wpf_right_tab').outerWidth(Math.round(left + parent_item.width() - $firstPos));
					else {
						$(this).removeClass('wpf_right_tab').addClass('wpf_left_tab').outerWidth(Math.round($lastPos - left));
				} else {
					$(this).removeClass('wpf_right_tab').addClass('wpf_left_tab').outerWidth( Math.round( $group.width() ) ).css( 'left', ( left - $group.offset().left ) * -1 );
	 * Loads Select2 library and calls callback()
	var load_select2 = function( callback ) {
		load_script( wpf.url + 'js/select2.min.js', function() {
			return typeof $.fn.select2 === 'function';
		}, function() {
		} );
    var initSelect = function( container ) {
       if ( ! $.fn.select2 ) {
        function clear(el,selected){
            var text = el.find('[value="'+selected+'"]').text();
        $( '.wpf_ct_form', container ).find('select').each(function(){
            var el = $(this),
                is_multi = el.prop('multiple'),
                selected =  is_multi?el.data('selected'):false;
                dir: wpf.rtl ? 'rtl' : 'ltr',
                minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
                dropdownCssClass: 'wpf_selectbox',
                allowClear: !selected && is_multi,
            if(selected && is_multi){
    var initReset = function( container ) {
		$( '.wpf_reset_btn', container ).each( function() {
           this.addEventListener( 'click',function (e) {
                var target = e.target,
                    area = target.closest('.wpf_item');
                area = null === area ? target.closest('.wpf_ct_form'):area;
                var inputs = area.querySelectorAll('input,select');
                for (var k = inputs.length-1; k>=0; k--) {
					if ( inputs[ k ].hasAttribute( 'readonly' ) ) {
                    if(inputs[k].tagName === 'INPUT'){
                        switch (inputs[k].type) {
                            case 'text':
                                inputs[k].value = '';
                            case 'radio':
                            case 'checkbox':
                                inputs[k].checked = false;
                        inputs[k].selectedIndex = 0;
                $(area).find('.wpf_slider').each(function () {
                    var $slider = $(this),
                        min = $slider.data('min'),
                        max = $slider.data('max');
                    $slider.siblings( ".wpf_price_from" ).val(min);
                    $slider.siblings( ".wpf_price_to" ).val(max);
					// update labels
					$slider.closest( '.wpf_item' ).find( '.wpf-price-min' ).text( min )
						.end().find( '.wpf-price-max' ).text( max );
                    $slider.slider("values", 0, min);
                    $slider.slider("values", 1, max);
                $(target.closest('.wpf_ct_form')).trigger( 'submit' );
		} );
	var InitPagination2 = function( context ) {
		if ( window.location.href.includes( 'wpf=' ) ) { // when WPF filter is applied
			/* remove pagination links not added by WPF */
			const container = context.hasClass( 'wpf-search-container' ) ? context : context.find( '.wpf-search-container' );
			$( '.woocommerce-pagination', container ).each( function() {
				if ( ! $( this ).closest( '.wpf-pagination' ).length ) {
					$( this ).remove();
			} );
		$( '.wpf-pagination', context ).each( function() {
			$( this ).insertAfter( $( this ).parent() );
		} );
	var wpfInit = function( container ) {
		container = container || $( 'body' );
		$( '.wpf_ct_form', container ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
		InitTabs( container );
		InitGroupToggle( container );
		if ( $( '.wpf_ct_form', container ).find( 'select' ).length ) {
			load_select2( function() {
				initSelect( container );
			} );
		if ( $( '.wpf_slider', container ).length ) {
			load_slider( function() {
				InitSlider( container );
			} );
		infinitybuffer = $( '.wpf_ct_form' ).data( 'infinitybuffer' );
		InitChange( container );
		if ( $( '.wpf_autocomplete input', container ).length ) {
			load_autocomplete( function() {
				InitAutoComplete( container );
			} );
		initReset( container );
		InitPagination2( container );
    $(document).ready(function () {
        if ($('.wpf_ct_form').length > 0) {
            $('body').addClass( 'woocommerce' );
            // Check for compatibility with Divi & Elementor
            var grid,
                diviConatainer = document.querySelector('.et_pb_module.et_pb_shop .woocommerce'),
                elementorConatainer = document.querySelector('.elementor-element.elementor-wc-products');
            if(null !== diviConatainer){
                diviConatainer.className += ' wpf-search-container';
                // Set Divi column
				var products = diviConatainer.querySelector( 'ul.products' );
				if ( products ) {
					grid = products.className.match(/columns-(\d+)/);
            }else if(null !== elementorConatainer){
                elementorConatainer.className += ' wpf-search-container';
                // Set elementor column
                grid = elementorConatainer.querySelector('ul.products').className.match(/columns-(\d+)/);
                // Try to get wc-products grid
                var container = document.querySelector('.wc-products');
                    grid = container.className.match(/grid(\d+)/);
                    container = document.querySelector('.woocommerce > .products');
                        grid = container.className.match(/columns-(\d+)/);
                        grid = null !== grid ? grid : container.parentElement.className.match(/columns-(\d+)/);
            if(null !== grid && undefined != grid){
                document.querySelector('[name="wpf_cols"]').value = grid[1];


public function register_assets() {
    global $wp_version;
    $plugin_url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
    $translation_ = array(
      'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
      'url' => trailingslashit( $plugin_url ),
      'ver' => $this->version,
      'rtl' => is_rtl(),
      'includes_url' => trailingslashit( includes_url() ),
      'load_jquery_ui_widget' => version_compare( $wp_version, '5.6', '<' ),
    wp_register_style( $this->plugin_name . '-select', $plugin_url . 'css/select2.min.css', false, $this->version, false );
    wp_register_script( $this->plugin_name, $plugin_url . 'js/wpf-public_ct.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, false );
    wp_localize_script( $this->plugin_name, 'wpf_ct', $translation_ );
    wp_register_style( $this->plugin_name . 'ui-css', $plugin_url . 'css/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css', false, $this->version, false );
    wp_register_style( $this->plugin_name, $plugin_url . 'css/wpf-public.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' );

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